Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Scheduling system for GComm NOVA students...

They have done it again... The geniuses at head office have come up with another brilliant idea... Students can now book their own lessons on the Internet from the comfort of their own homes... They can do it on the same day as the lesson too...

This may seem like a great idea. but so far it has already caused some challenges... For example, every student's number will change, so the new schedule is printed out and all the numbers are entirely different from the ones on the files... This wouldn't be a major problem if every class didn't have 5 students in it... The staff subsequently have to cross reference an old style schedule and hand write all the student numbers on it...

Secondly, if a student books on the same day, there is no system to tell instructors that they have done so... This means that again, our busy Japanese staff have to go on to the computer every interval and check that no-one has booked in manually... As can be imagined, a very inefficient system...

Students can select their instructor also, so any crappy instructors enjoy all your frees, but good instructors will be flat out as they are the most in-demand...

As can happen, good concept, terrible execution... It is the first student focused thing the company has done, even though their motivation was only cost...

Has this caused any teething problems for those in other branches??? What is everyone else's experience like???

Friday, April 25, 2008

GComm NOVA's planned expansion...

Speaking to some people recently who attended one of the recent Yamaya san indoctrination sessions and some plans were explained there..

Biggest one involved the expansion plans of the company... As has been mentioned by one of the commentors here today, the expansion plan includes
expanding the number of NOVA branches to 800 by next spring... This includes not only regular NOVA, but also Nova juku, Petit Nova and of course the wonderful franchise idea...

This anouncement comes slightly fresh on the heels of inside company announcements that the company plans to float on the stock market...

Does this sound familiar to anyone else... Rapid expansion plans... 350% expansion in 12 months??? The rapid inflation of a balloon for example...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

GComm looks to float as soon as possible...

After making such massive losses on their attempt to revive NOVA, GComm has decided that now is the time to go for a public share float. I have only heard about this via some rumours but the pieces are starting to come together.

Inayoshi is currently the sole owner of the entire GComm group including G.Ed, G.Meats, G.Beerjoints and G.CramSchools... As such he was (until about last November) quite a wealthy man, but as LetsJapan put it so delicately, NOVA is a sucking chest wound which makes it bleed lots and lots of cash... and it could be responsible for the collapse of the entire empire.

After a few months of such press, Mr. Inayoshi, our revered leader has decided that it might be a good time to float on the stock market... I know it is usually advisable to float the company when things are going OK and interest in the company is high, but, oh well... when you need a cash injection, what are you gonna do?

So don't be surprised to see auditors out in the branches getting ready for the big float, some branches have already reported visits...

How well do you think the float will go? Will it just be a chance for Inayoshi to do a Sahashi and play around with the stock market to make money that isn't really there?

Friday, April 11, 2008

GComm NOVA's new advertising campaign...

Now, GComm NOVA have started a new advertising campaign on the website... Nowhere else of course, as this would cost the company money and (not that they weren't cheapskates already), as we have all heard by now I am sure, the bank has stopped extending credit to the company... So, in a bid to gain new students, they have put this massive ad on the website..

I will have a shot at translating it, although I am not as good at him on LetsJapan...

The ad says that (this part is quite obvious) the campaign runs from April 1st until June 30th, when I am sure another campaign will start... The incentives to join are;

1. Free Lesson Points... 2 free points a month if on a monthly 10 point package and 20 free points if on a 100 point package...

2. If taking MM lessons in languages other than English, your Level check will be free for new students...

3. If taking a MM Man to Man lesson in languages other than English, it will only cost two points and not the previous three (I think)...

4. NOVA KIDS can get the 3 year old piece of shit textbook for free, plus 3 NOVA Usagi stuffed toys.

Underneath the white box there are also free point incentives to bring friends and family members along, as well as a 20% student discount on monthly courses...

Seeing how this goes will be extremely interesting I think... The company has struggled attracting new students for two main reasons... Firstly, the awful battering the company received in the press when it went down... And secondly, because a lot of people aren't even aware of the company reopening... None of those people are going to find this ad...

How are all the branches going for new students? Will this bring a massive influx? hahah

Thursday, April 10, 2008

New GComm NOVA branch openings

Today is Thursday April 10th and is the opening day of the newest NOVA branch in Shibuya in Tokyo... This thing on the left appears to be it... For those outside of and unfamiliar with Tokyo, Shibuya is an extremely busy area filled with young men and women, shopping in the afternoon, dinner in the evening and clubbing on a weekend... It had 3 NOVAs before the bankruptcy, from memory. It is now opening a new branch, and if the Ikebukuro model is anything to go by, it will open with 2 English instructors and a possible other language instructor, although as far as I know all of them have been fired... They might get one via the "work for peanuts and pay for your own travel" job advertising scheme they have cooked up...

Further branch openings in the near future, 4/13 Chiba Matsudo, 4/15 Fujisawa, 4/16 Nagoya Nonami, 5/10 Nagoya Irinaka. There are also rumblings of openings in Ginza, Shinjuku was on the cards but after trouble getting the building, this was shelved... It will be interesting to see where all the instructors are going to come from as there are very few left on standby, by next week or the week after, none in our area will remain... That hiring campaign must have been extremely successful...

Is anyone out there in one of the new branches??? I am particularly interested in Shibuya... Let us know how it is all going there...

Remodelled Refreshed GComm NOVA branches

First of all, I must apologize for a total lack of posts recently, I will try and get back into it from now on... The information must be spread and all that good stuff... Reader numbers have dwindled a little, but I guess that's what happens when you don't post so often...

The kind of classroom that will soon disappear...

My branch is one of the refreshed units, with a move about 7 minutes walk from the nearest station. Admittedly the old one was about 3 minutes from the station, but it was in the heart of the area's most important shopping district... The new one is on a side street in the middle of nowhere... The old one had a sign visible from about 5 miles away on top of the building... The new one you need to be within about 30 feet to be sure the sign has those 4 giant golden letters on the sign...

Once inside the branch (or campus as GComm likes to call them), things seem slightly different... It looks clean but it is obviously cheaply constructed. The tables, not classrooms, have a partition which goes just over the level of the seated students and instructor's heads. This provides no sound protection from loud instructors, students and 5 student classes. Yes, as expected the new schools are designed to accomodate 5 students. The partitioned areas are bigger than the previous booths, and in our current branch we have 5 as opposed to 10 in the old school. Oh, but one of the partitioned areas is being used for storage as we have no space in our shoebox of a teacher's room.

The teacher's room/store room/staff put all your shit in here room/photocopier room is tiny. It doesn't have anywhere near as much room as it needs. There is barely enough room for someone to walk past behind someone sitting at the table writing a comment, and I have heard at one branch that there isn't enough room to get a table in the room. Now my handle is Big Man in Japan for a reason, I am not a small fellow, I am lucky that some of my coworkers are smaller than me, and this makes things bearable...

Finally, the pièce de résistance (I know the accents make me look like a dick, but they make me laugh) is the Voice/KIDS room... GComm have constantly demonstrated a lack of interest in the KIDS program, i.e. ditching Chibikko KIDS Club, getting rid of all the people that prepare the materials and support instructors, throwing away the already completed 2008 materials so we can rehash the shit from 2005 etc... Now they have given us a multipurpose room for KIDS and Voice. The room is almost filled with a hideous, fluorescent, nauseating, egg-shaped yellow table. I know you are only supposed to use 2 or 3 adjectives in a sentence, but this thing is a travesty. It fills the whole room so that KIDS need to be seated around the table during lessons... Four walls is going to suck... But at least it's the old materials, if you remember they involve about 20 minutes of workbook time, so it'll be OK...

Is anyone else in one of these remodelled schools, anyone else loving the new setup? Let us know what you think...