Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Second day in...

Went in again yesterday of course... The second day of work and there were about 10 instructors there altogether as well as 5 or 6 Japanese staff... Only one of those was the same as the staff that were there the day before... Looks like the staff are going to be shuffled around a lot as they are planning to do with the instructors...

The AAM was in to sign more documents with the 3 new instructors who agreed to come in to the branch starting yesterday... One of those three, though, thought it over a bit and decided that seeing as he was planning to go home at the end of the year, and he had lots of stuff to do, that he would not sign up... So we have 11 instructors in a branch that should hold 5... That's OK... There is absolutely nothing to do anyway...

Again, I met a bunch of students from nearby branches who were overly happy to see us, some even being brought to tears by the sight of their favorite instructors... This is one of the moments that makes me feel pretty happy, particularly after reading people writing that we are all the scum of the earth and hated by all Japanese people... There are at least a few people that don't hate us... The students were given a questionnaire and a pamphlet with the lesson system to fill out and read respectively, and I grabbed a copy of it... Will do a bit of amateur translation of it tomorrow...

Staff and the AAM confirmed that there was no chance of lessons starting until at least December so there are going to be lots and lots of days of doing very little...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the offer. I do have a question. I am a part-time, weekday mornings only instructor. I have heard rumours that me and people like me, maybe won't be asked to work for G-Comm. Are any of the teachers at your school part timers or working on a reduced shift?
Thanks again. It is hard to get any sensible information from all the various forums and websites.

Unknown said...

My son is a former Nova instructor, in Osaka, and has been advised his is to start this Thursday with GComm. He doesn't have access to the internet at the moment (he's broke), so I have been flicking him your blog which he finds very interesting. He'd like to know where in Japan you are located and whether there has been any further offers by GComm to pay exNova staff daily, or is the 50,000 yen advance now the only offer on the table? Many thanks for your help.

Anonymous said...

In reference to Nick's comment:
A friend of mine who was a part timer for the "old" Nova has been rehired by G.Comm as a part timer, same hours, he was told. He's the only one I personally know of, so I don't know how common it is.

I'd advise your son to contact Nova's Osaka Foreign Personnel office by telephone with his inquiries. I don't have the # handy but he can get it from the Tokyo office: 0366884441

Big Man in Japan said...

Nick, your welcome mate... As anonymous said, we also have one part timer who has been asked to work his regular shift for the same money...

Lois, I am glad that your son finds the blog interesting... I agree with anonymous... Your son should call head office in Osaka(the same number we use to call in sick) or call his bosses, or both... I was contacted by my old boss... I am also in the Tokyo area, so I don't have the Osaka number handy, but the Tokyo number can put him through... As far as I have heard, that's the only offer on the table for now, but in special circumstances, GComm has said they will try and help as much as possible... Please tell him to ask the bosses at head office...

Anonymous, thanks for helping out while I couldn't take care of the comments for the last couple of days... Next time identify yourself so I can thank you properly...

Anonymous said...

Much appreciated.