Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The mysterious brown envelopes...

So... Speaking to some friends yesterday, I have heard that some Rishokuhyos have arrived... these came in a couple of days ago, and that I know of, only came for people who have said they will not go on to further employment with GComm NOVA... Does anyone else have a similar experience? Are there more people that have received the large envelopes? I haven't...

They said they received a bunch of information in Japanese in a large brown envelope (the same size as the big ones we have at NOVA)... Most importantly it contained a large (A3) page I think they said it was green, with handwritten amounts of the salary owed to them over the months that they were not paid for... Now I assume this means that they are entitled to 80% of the number shown on that form, and that there will be a substantial wait for that money...

The regular application time when a small company goes under is about 1 month I am led to believe, but in the case of NOVA (one of Japan's largest ever bankruptcies, and the one that has led to the most creditors out of pocket in history) then that application time could be substantially longer... Not that one should necessarily believe the 6 month figure being bandied around (particularly as the only "sources" quoting that number are union figures who spend a lot of their time scare and hate mongering)...

The actual amount of time it's going to take is an uncertainty, but it is certain that 1 month will be too short... It is, however a possibility that people could start to see their money within the next 3 or 4 months... Certainly not ideal, but better than the 6 month wait we are being told to expect as a certainty...

So for those that have received them, good luck! Let us know how the application process goes... For those who haven't let us know when you do finally get them...


paulzdeli said...

The amount of time it could take to process the 80% wage replacement is unknown but the figure of 6 months was given as a reality check to people who are expecting payment to occur immediately. I'm in the union but I'm not into hate mongering or scare tactics. Who the hell would want to scare people away from the union? Well...Ok..ahem...there might be a couple of idiots... Anyways, I'll let you know as soon as I receive the envelope.
On a side note, I went to the Osaka Labour Standards Office yesterday to help with the investigation into Sahashi and Nova Corporation. I just had to write which salary periods weren't paid and how much (in the case of October and November, you just write "unknown"). Then I had to check one of three boxes that went something like this:

a) I want to press charges against
Sahashi for nonpayment of wages
b) I want to press charges against
Nova Corporation for nonpayment
of wages
c) I'll leave it up to the court
and the labour board

I think there were also three boxes to check for late payment of wages as well.

It was easy to find. It's near Morinomiya station on the Osaka Loop line next to a Mos Burger. There is an interpretor available and the next day they are holding consultations is on Christmas day from 9:30-4:30. I know, it's not exactly what one would want to do on Christmas day but they would appreciate the help. It only took about 15 minutes. I was supposed to get free coffee but I think they forgot.

Anonymous said...

Any enlightenment on what the handwritten forms in the brown envelope are for?

I received mine last week, it has amounts for September and October, but just some Kanji I can't read next to November's (should be the 60% rate).

Rang that english hotline for claiming 80% of wages - they said that its just a severance notice and that we still need to wait for nova to send us a form for applying for the unpaid wages.

No idea whats really going on, hoping someone else can help. Most other nova sites have degenerated into giving no useful information.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else get one of these e-mails today ?

Thank you for requesting re-employment with Since taking over operations at Nova we have put all our efforts into proceeding with the reopening of branches. As a result, we expect to have approximately 130 branches offering Nova lessons during December 2007.
At the same time, the Trustees in Bankruptcy are making progress with dissolving Nova Corporation. At present they have started proceeding sequentially with terminating leases of properties which will not be taken over by and the problem of unpaid wages. With the cooperation of property owners, we have managed to rapidly reopen many branches but now intend to more closely align branch reopenings with the current business situation. The process of opening the Ekimae Ryugaku branches and restarting lessons requires a lot of time, personnel and expense. To enable us to offer lessons even more quickly to students who still have unused lesson points, we will shift the focus of development from the branches to expanding Ochanoma Ryugaku lessons with a view to even opening new Multimedia Center facilities overseas.

In the current business situation, it is only possible for to employ a limited number of instructors in January and while we appreciate your request for re-employment from January 10, 2008, it is with great regret that we inform you that we are not able to offer you a position at at this time.

This has been a very difficult decision for to have to make and we would like to offer assistance to all applicants, including information about other employment options or financial assistance with purchasing an air ticket to your home country. Additionally, the G.communication group has opportunities available in the restaurant industry and would welcome inquiries if you have an interest in this field. We will also continue to assist the Trustees in Bankruptcy with the necessary documentation for making applications for reimbursement of unpaid Nova Corporation wages.

While the current business situation makes this decision unavoidable, we hope to be able to contact you and ask you for your assistance if possible once business operations allow.

In our endeavor to continue Nova fs business, we are constantly forced to make difficult decisions and, while our aim is to be able to have as many students as possible return to the branches and as many instructors as possible continue employment, it is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you of this decision and ask for your understanding.

We wish you all the best with your future endeavors.

Takashi Ono
Chief Executive Officer Co. Ltd.
5-12-3 Hondori

Anonymous said...

In the Tokyo area, there is one Japan Labor, Health and Welfare Organization office that is dealing with the wage replacement and it is in Kawasaki City. I visited the office and they told me that, officially, it would take 30 days from the time that the Certificate of Bankruptcy was submitted to receive payment. They also said that is a theoretical maximum period and that it's possible that the payment could be made sooner if the office isn't congested with requests for payment when you submit yours. Here is a link to a page from the Japan Labor, Health and Welfare Organization's website, showing a sample of the Certificate of Bankruptcy that you should be receiving in the mail:

As far as the investigation into Sahashi and Nova Corporation is concerned, everyone affected should cooperate fully and press charges against Sahashi. Since Nova Corporation is being liquidated as we speak, pressing charges against it won't produce any significant result. Leaving it to the court and labor board to decide is a forfeiture of your right to make your voice heard.

Anonymous said...

So - do we have the certificate of bankruptcy already?