Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Shakai Hoken News for GComm NOVA Instructors...

Just a quick one that will only affect BTs, AAMs and some other married instructors who took Shakai Hoken under NOVA...

The insurance cards for these people are starting to come in... 2 different people have told me that their cards have arrived and that they are then covered... Some people have been terribly concerned that theur wives, children etc. would not be covered as no-one had seen the cards... But now they are here and we can all breathe easier...


Anonymous said...

hi. long time reader first time poster.

can you possibly get an email address for the osaka lawayers/adminstratiors/trustees.

i'm back in OZ, and it would be the easiest way for me to (again) pass on my updated contact info.

thanks big man in japan.

go bombers!

paulzdeli said...

Bankrupt company Nova Corporation
Nishi Tenma Asahi Building 2nd Floor, 10-14 Nishi Tenma 1-chome,
Kita-ku, Osaka-shi

Big Man in Japan said...

Thanks Paul and Anon for comments... Anon the only ways of contacting the Trustees is post or fax and I would do fax ASAP as I have heard people are already getting their paperwork... There is no email or phone number available... By the way, I shouldn't be helping you due to the last line in your comment, but anyway... Go Blues... The Juddernaut is on its way...