Friday, February 15, 2008

Shitty news for Standby NOVA instructors...

The worst news update for today (3 in a day, can you believe it?)... My AM and old AAM have told me that GComm have changed the ratios... We are now aiming for a 1:50-60 ratio (the official number seems unclear as is often the case)... So when we thought we almost had enough students for one teacher to come back off of standby, we need to get close to
60 more to get a teacher back off standby... And it was only a short while ago we were told that because of the occasional lateness students couldn't take lessons...

Frequent cancellation of classes due to instructors’ absenteeism has disappointed us because we had higher expectations of the new NOVA.”

“In the past NOVA cancelled a lot of lessons so our lesson package expired with many lessons left. We want you to ensure the same thing doesn’t happen again.”

Idiots! Do they not see that they are falling into the same trap??? Of course they do... And when it happens it will be the teachers' fault that these guys couldn't manage a Rock Paper Scissors game... We need to bust our humps to get everyone back, and guys on standby or planning to quit your job, get the new job quick so we can help our brethren out...


Schmendrick said...

Well, it has been published in Asahi Shimbun

i don't know what it means, but Chinese team did and they went to speak to the boss of GEducation, who is not very bright and was in the MM Centre. He has promised to to a press conference this afternoon saying "sorry I didnt mean to say that teachers are all lazy bastards" or somethign like that, anyone good at kanji?

Anonymous said...

Hello again everyone. Well it seems the bar is to keep moving, in terms of student numbers that is.
I don't know how anyone can pluck a seemingly abitary figure out of the air. One would assume, well any thinking person that is, that branch requirements differ. M2M students e.g., M2m kids = a 4 group lesson. Kids lessons numbering as many as 8 = a 4 group lesson. Now it seems to me that if you have a lot of M2m Students they should count as 4 students and of course that means that 8 group kids should count as 2 group lessons or 8 students. Now if a school has a lot of M2M be they kids or adults then the ratio's just don't work in terms of available teachers. The result, sorry being lazy, could conceivably be no available bookings for group students. No doubt this will cause student complaints. I appreciate that, at the moment, there isn't much fat in the system but to make it even leaner is a recipe for malnutrition and collapse.

Big Man in Japan said...

Thanks Lidia and Anon for comments and info... Last I have heard was that the break even number was 1 teacher per 100 students... This sounds ridiculous to me as previously the company had existed with nowhere near such a stupid ratio...

Lidia, I have heard that GEd and GComm have said all foreigners are lazy according to the story you have and not to be trusted, which is why most AAMs were fucked over... Pardon the French...

Anon... Hahahaha... you apply logic to a situation where clearly these people don't... I have been reading about people saying that GComm are setting themselves up for failure, and it certainly appears a possibility that they are now we look at it in the light of day... The only thing for standby teachers is that a stack of teachers will be working as ALTs from April 1...

Anonymous said...

Good morning
Thought I would pop in a let people know that contracts are being signed and the only "apparent" difference is a 10k increase due to the rise in the regularity allowance. On the face os it the contract looks like the standard NOVA contract. The strings if any (I am a generous soul) with the regularity allowance are not outlined. So for those who for one reason or another do not have the license, for whatever reason, financial or family, to turn their backs on employment this is good news and I hope you can breathe a little more easily.

Big Man in Japan said...

Anon... That is brilliant news... I have known some to get contracts and others to miss out... So I am glad to hear that the ones that are getting them are getting a decent deal...