This would account for the auditor we had in the branch last Wednesday and some other mildly unusual goings on...No hint as to exactly when this is going to happen, however, the indications are that it is getting closer...
Are you all planning to buy shares?(hahaha) How do you think this will affect the company? Are there any positives or negatives to come out of this?
Would love to know the basis of the float. What are they going to use to entice buyers? Sure it looks like multiple schools have opened but an earlier post posed the question, "When is a school a school?" Lets add to this, "How good does it look when the number of days a school is opened is cut back by 50-75%?" Then of course we add to this equation the recent changes in how far ahead students can book. Apparently as of July 1st this is set to change. The students are not happy! Given that G-comm is honouring points on a 25% basis it may take years for the points to be honoured due to a lack of available lessons.
What does all this add up to? Well without knowing the overall plan it is difficult to say, but never let a lack of information interfere with speculation, so...maybe a lemon for those who buy into the scheme.
Wonder how the franchisees are feeling at the moment. I guess there have been some interesting conversations going on.
Anon, I think the selling point would be to buy shares now and get a piece of a 200 branch company, which will quickly expand to a 1000 school company... The details are inconsequential... Sounds like some of the franchisees are quite happy with the company so far too...
Big Man,
Good blog that you have here. Interesting to read that G comm is still expanding their operations despite not having enough staff. After what happened with Nova, it is really hard to understand how they seem to be going down the same path.
What is it like working there?
Anon, thanks... I am glad you appreciate it... As was hinted at previously, they are not expanding as much as they make it look, and this time, a branches profitability is looked at when deciding issues re: staffing, etc. So this constant emphasis on profits and making tons of money affects the work environment a bit... Otherwise, apart from being busier, not a great deal different from old NOVA...
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