Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Would you like your English well done or medium rare?

Well, Let's Japan has posted that according to a news story brought up by one of their comment posters, which matches one we had here yesterday Takashi Ono has been replaced by Mr. Hideo Sugimoto as CEO of G Education.

Sugimoto was the boss of Yakinkuya Sakai which is one of the millions of companies under the whole GComm umbrella... Here is a link to the list of companies under the GComm umbrella, yet they found it appropriate to choose the boss of a Yakiniku joint to put in charge of all of G Education, that is NOVA as well as the rest of G Education's businesses ... Let's just see how this affects our situation at work... I am hoping not to have to do any serving of meat products anytime soon, but who knows what will be required???

Of course, it appears that this Sugimoto chap is adept at cost-cutting and bringing companies back from the dead so to speak... Let's just hope that this will not involve more firings, nor the delay in hiring back friends who are still on standby...

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