Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The big news...

Saw some interesting news as reported on Lets Japan... It looks like (old)NOVA has now officially declared bankruptcy and gone into liquidation...

This is good news for a couple of reasons. Firstly it means that instructors waiting on backpay are one step closer to receiving their rishokuhyo (the official letter of dismissal from the company which is essential to any unpaid wage claim)...

Hopefully it will also be a cue to start criminal proceedings against those responsible for, at the very least, the withheld wages, and probably to a greater extent, criminal negligence... These people have hurt a lot of people along the way and they need to pay for what they did... I hope retribution against the Monkey is swift and hard, as he has made a lot of people, particularly those with families to feed, suffer unnecessarily due to his abysmal economic management...

The procedures for receiving backpay will become clearer soon and the Japan Labour Health and Welfare Organisation website has an explanation of the system of application for backpay... and an explanation of English consultation times, but as can be seen there is no information for next week, so if anyone has any time to get down there by the end of this week (I don't), please head down to Kawasaki and find out what we all have to do... I would really appreciate a comment to help everyone out...

As promised earlier, I have the information on student courses and prices and will put that up in the next couple of days...


Anonymous said...

They've just extended the date of the inquiry counter to December 21st instead of the November 30th.

Anonymous said...

Whoops. I meant the 30th of November.
Anyway, I just called them and the lady who answered gave me this information:
1) We will receive two things in the mail: a certificate that shows the total of our unpaid salary and an application form.
2) We need to fill out the application and send it to the office that sent it to us (the address is on their website).
3) We wait. It will take about 30 days to process from the time the forms are received at their office.
No word on how long it will take for the forms to reach us.

Big Man in Japan said...

Thanks anonymous... You are a lifesaver... I hope everyone was reading that comment... Will hopefully post again tomorrow before work and put it in the next one...