Thursday, December 6, 2007

My ship has come in...

We got paid... I got about what i expected in my bank account.., When I got into work this morning I went to the ATM and saw I got paid... I will post again after celebratory beverages...


Anonymous said...

I faxed in my request on the 30th of November. I got the 50,000 yen advance on the 6th as well as what I assume was 60% of the one day I "worked" for the G-Men.

Is it true that we won't get paid again until the 15th of January?

paulzdeli said...

Have you received your payslip? Got mine in the mail today. Does it look alright?

Big Man in Japan said...

Paul : I have not received my payslip yet, so I can't accurately post on how it looks...

Anon : As far as I know, the payday each month will be the 5th... Have you heard otherwise??? From a reliable source... i.e. not letsjapan???

Anonymous said...

big man,

Sorry, only something I heard from letsjapan. Nothing more substantial as of yet.

Sorry if that causes any undue stress or anxiety.

Big Man in Japan said...

No man, no stress or anxiety, but those supposed insiders have had nothing right ever... That's all...

Anonymous said...

option B paid 150,000 yen today !!!

paulzdeli said...

Got my 50,000 yen advance.

Anonymous said...

The memo that accompanied the payslip for the 5th of December payment says that the company has issued a "clarification" about future salary payments. From now on, all salary payments will be made on the 15th of the month. Additionally, for those who chose Option A, the ¥50000 will be deducted from the salary for January's work. This will appear in the February 15th payslip.

Big Man in Japan said...

Yes anon, assuming you were the same one from earlier that said we wouldn't be getting paid till the 15th, you were right... My payslip also confirmed the same... my latest post confirms how I feel about all this...